미드로 영어 공부4 [영어공부] 블랙리스트 7-7 (31) Cooper : Any connection to the Cironatos? Liz : No. Willis works freelance I.T. in Virginia. But get this -- there is no Speedy Linen Supplies. We think he put a fake decal on his van. Cooper : Find Willis. By the time you get there, I'll have a warrant waiting. Cooper : Any connection to the Cironatos? Liz : No. Willis works freelance I.T. in Virginia. But get this -- there is no Speedy Linen S.. 2021. 4. 29. [영어공부] 블랙리스트 7-7 (30) Ressler: The restaurant confirmed Sweeney was there the night he was grabbed. But no one saw it happen, and their security footage gets erased monthly. Liz : But the bank across the street erases its footage annually, and they had this. Ressler: Linen delivery van was clocked leaving the area at 10:39 p.m., around the same time Sweeney was grabbed. We ran plates. Liz : The van was registered to .. 2021. 4. 21. [영어공부] 블랙리스트 7-7 (21) 20210211 Liz : Nothing at all? No, it's just a blank. sweeni : I think they kept me drugged. Sure had one hell of a hangover when I woke up in that storage room. donald : The guards at the state capitol building said you were in your office the night of the abduction. What do you remember from that night? sweeni : I like to work late. You know,for the peace and quiet. Only, when you're the gover.. 2021. 1. 28. [영어공부] 블랙리스트 7-7 (17) 이전 ] https://kangstorys.tistory.com/45 수정날짜 20201221 -> 20201226 -> 20201228 -> 20210101 리즈가 레드의 이야기를 듣고 부서원들에게 이야기를 합니다. 블랙리스트에 있는 사람을 찾기 위해서죠. Liz: A governor is abducted. No demands are made for his return, no blackmail, no ransom. And then 100 days later, he wakes up in a self-storage unit with no one guarding him and walks to freedom. Why? Park : To force a new election. Get someone else in.. 2021. 1. 1. 이전 1 다음