FreeRTOS Source Files Common to All Ports
The core FreeRTOS source code is contained in just two C files that are common to all the FreeRTOS ports.
These are called tasks.c, and list.c, and they are located directly in the FreeRTOS/Source directory, as shown in Figure 2. In addition to these two files, the following source files are located in the same directory:
queue.c provides both queue and semaphore services, as described later in this book. queue.c is nearly always required.
timers.c provides software timer functionality, as described later in this book. It need only be included in the build if software timers are actually going to be used.
event_groups.c provides event group functionality, as described later in this book. It need only be included in the build if event groups are actually going to be used.
croutine.c implements the FreeRTOS co-routine functionality. It need only be included in the build if co-routines are actually going to be used. Co-routines were intended for use on very small microcontrollers, are rarely used now, and are therefore not maintained to the same level as other FreeRTOS features. Co-routines are not described in this book.
It is recognized that the file names may result in name space clashes, as many projects will already include files that have the same names. It is however considered that changing the names of the files now would be problematic, as to do so would break compatibility with the many thousands of projects that use FreeRTOS, as well as automation tools, and IDE plugins.
2개의 공통 함수를 가지고 있으며 tasks.c, list.c 그 폴더 안에는 표2 에서 queue.c, timers.c, event_groups.c, croutine.c 파일이 포함 됩니다.
Task는 기본적으로 동작 되고, 리스트를 이용합니다. queue는 queue 와 semaphore 서버스를 제공 합니다.
타이머는 각각의 task를 동작 시키기 위함으로 보입니다.
task가 동작 되면서 이벤트를 받아서 처리 해야 하기 때문에 이벤트 파일이 있습니다.
기본적으로 동작 되는 부분에 대해서 보고 있습니다.
Difference Between Semaphore and Mutex
as shown in Figure 2
그림 2와 같이
As will be described in Chapter 2,
2 장에서 설명 하겠지만
Chapter Introduction and Scope
장 소개 및 범위