Sweeney: They know me there. They take good care of me.
They shut the place down,
let me enjoy my egg-drop soup in heavenly bliss.
Liz : And that's where you were the day of your disappearance?
Sweeney: Yes, ma'am, just like usual.
Only this time, when I walked out the front door,
a bag dropped over my head.
Next thing I know, I'm waking up to that hangover.
Donald : Any idea why you were taken?
Sweeney: Everybody knows the Cironatos had it out for me
after I wouldn't play ball in that casino deal.
I suppose they probably wanted to sideline me till after the election.
shut [ʃʌt] v. 닫다; 막다; 잠그다; 감금하다; 활동을 중단하다 adj. 닫은, 갇힌 heavenly [heav·en·ly || 'hevnlɪ] adj. 하늘의; 천국의, 천국 같은; 지상에는 없는 아름다움이 있는; 경이로운 bliss [blɪs] n. 다시 없는 기쁨 disappearance [,dis·ap'pear·ance || ‚dɪsə'pɪrəns /-'pɪə-] n. 사라짐; 소실, 소멸 hangover n. 숙취, 과도하게 음주로 생기는 두통 및 다른 효과 suppose [sup·pose || sə'pəʊz ,spəʊz] v. 상상하다, 가정하다; 생각하다, 추측하다 probably prob·a·bly〔prábəbli│prɔb-〕 ad. 아마(도), 대개는, 십중팔구(⇒ perhaps [유의어])
till [tɪl] n. 돈 서랍, 표석 점토 v. 땅을 갈다, 경작하다 conj. 까지, ...할 때까지는 prep. ...까지, ...까지줄곧 |